(770) 483-1173

Wormsloe Historic Site Visitor Center

Posted By on May 9, 2024 |

Wormsloe Historic Site Visitor Center

Isle of Hope, Georgia

Breedlove Land Planning is proud to have completed the new Wormsloe Historic Site Visitor Center on Isle of Hope, Georgia. BLP was the lead designer for the project, producing the master plan, multiphase construction package and engaging Collins Cooper Carusi to provide architectural services. Johnson Laux Construction managed the phase two building package. This project opens up an entirely new door of historical and natural interpretation of this breathtaking peninsula. The project is sited just north of the historic 18th century roadbeds of Isle of Hope and Parkerville roads as well as 1930’s auto racing berms long since reclaimed by the coastal forest. The position of the building allows for exploration and interpretation of these important features, which have previously been difficult for the public to view when visiting the historic site.

Sustainable site features include a bioretention raingarden in the middle of the parking lot to filter stormwater pollutants and promote runoff infiltration, a constructed wetland adjacent to the east side of the visitor center, and the use of native plants appropriate for the coastal plain and Isle of Hope.