(770) 483-1173

Vogel Campground

Posted By on Feb 6, 2024 |

Vogel Campground

Blairsville, Georgia

Founded in 1931, Vogel State Park is the second oldest state park in Georgia.  Located at the base of Blood Mountain and surrounded by National Forest, Vogel is an iconic state park and one of the most heavily visited in Georgia.  Breedlove Land Planning created a campground master plan and construction documents to renovate 90 RV camping sites located along one of the most ecologically sensitive and well-preserved eastern hemlock forests in the State of Georgia.

Sites were upgraded to have modern amenities such enhanced outdoor living areas, 100-amp power, sewer hookups and Wi-Fi availability while ensuring no removal of any existing hemlock trees within the park.  During construction, low impact erosion control best management practices, such as silt socks, haybales, and mulch, controlled sediment from escaping into adjacent trout streams while at the same time eliminating the trenching of traditional silt fence, which could kill adjacent trees. The project was completed in three phases, allowing two-thirds of the campground to remain occupied as construction was performed.  This ensured a high degree of public use and steady revenue for the park during construction, as opposed to a complete campground shut down which is common for a renovation of this kind.