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Georgia Tech Transportation Improvements Atlanta, Georgia Breedlove Land Planning has assisted Georgia Tech with dozens of transportation related improvements. Parking-  Design of three parking lots for the main campus consisting of about 150 spaces.  Each of these parking lots utilizes porous concrete for the parking bays which serve to infiltrate stormwater into the soil, reduce runoff volume, improve water quality and reduce the...

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Georgia Institute of Technology – Bobby Dodd Way Streetscape and EDGE Plaza Atlanta, Georgia Bobby Dodd Way stands as one of Georgia Tech’s most prominent corridors. Located along the north facade of Bobby Dodd Stadium, this thoroughfare connects the main campus to eastern student housing and provides a major gathering space for concerts, football games and other stadium events. Breedlove Land Planning was the lead designer for a...

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GT Peters Park

Posted By on Sep 6, 2016

Lovett School Atlanta, Georgia The new Charlie Brooks Field at the Lovett School is a testament to the success that thoughtful planning and seamless collaboration can bring to a project.  This softball and baseball facility is much more than a sports field.  A new field house and maintenance barn was integrated into the design.  Plazas, walkways, batting cages, sports field lighting, bleachers and dugouts are all nestled into the...

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