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Northwest Library at Scotts Crossing

Posted By on May 9, 2018 |

Northwest Library at Scotts Crossing
Atlanta, Georgia

The award-winning Northwest Library at Scotts Crossing is a part of the Atlanta-Fulton Public Library System. The project’s site design blends natural and urban context. Multiple acres of mature piedmont forest were preserved at the north end of the site, creating a dramatic backdrop for the project. The west and south street fronts were designed with generous fifteen- foot streetscape treatments utilizing porous pavers, tree wells, benches and other site amenities. The library was sited at the corner of the Perry Boulevard and Hollywood Road intersections, with a dramatic courtyard blending outdoor program space with the street to create cohesion. Stormwater management was designed to promote infiltration, and planting beds utilize native species without irrigation. The project received LEED Silver certification and was awarded a 2016 Honor Award from the Georgia Chapter of the American Institute of Architects.