(770) 483-1173

Newell Brands Corporate Headquarters

Posted By on Jun 22, 2017 |

Newell Brands Corporate Headquarters
Sandy Springs, Georgia

Newell Brands is a Fortune 500 company with offices around the globe.  When Newell Brands renovated an existing office park in Sandy Springs, Georgia, Breedlove Land Planning was retained to provide civil engineering and site design services.  The site program included the renovation of an existing parking deck, improved vehicular and pedestrian circulation, outdoor plaza and patio spaces and an intensive green roof.  Due to various site constraints, Breedlove Land Planning had to file for variance approval with the City’s Board of Appeals to allow for encroachment into streambank buffers.  The project’s emphasis on reducing imperious surface, vegetating large swaths of existing roof and improving the ecological performance of the site ultimately led to Board approval and the support of the Watershed Alliance of Sandy Springs, who recognize the redevelopment as a model for commercial redevelopment.