(770) 483-1173

Inter Atlanta FC – Arizona Avenue Soccer Complex

Posted By on Aug 31, 2023 |

Inter Atlanta FC – Arizona Avenue Soccer Complex
Atlanta, Georgia

Breedlove Land Planning worked with the Inter Atlanta FC to convert three full size natural turf soccer fields to synthetic turf. To begin the process, our team lead the club through a series of field tours, synthetic turf manufacturer interviews, and product education series. We worked together to narrow down product options to best fit the needs of the club. Ultimately, the club ended up with one of the finest turf systems in the region – including an organic infill and shock pad.

The field conversion required creative design solutions to provide the full field dimensions desired by the club. A retaining wall doubles as a drainage solution along the eastern edge of the field. Additionally, negotiations and design iterations with the city of Atlanta stormwater engineers led to a stormwater management approach below the field which offered necessary detention, runoff reduction and channel protection.

The complex has served the club well and further enabled their continued growth. As a testament to their satisfaction with our design services, the club has engaged BLP to assist in the design of multiple new field projects at additional locations.