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GT Transportation Improvements (Various)

Posted By on Sep 6, 2016 |

Georgia Tech Transportation Improvements

Atlanta, Georgia

Breedlove Land Planning has assisted Georgia Tech with dozens of transportation related improvements.

Parking-  Design of three parking lots for the main campus consisting of about 150 spaces.  Each of these parking lots utilizes porous concrete for the parking bays which serve to infiltrate stormwater into the soil, reduce runoff volume, improve water quality and reduce the effects of the urban heat island effect.  These projects have been recognized as exemplary by Green Parking Magazine.

Roads and Bicycle Corridors-  Redesign and resurfacing over 5000 linear feet of roadway through the campus.  New bike lanes, bike boxes, trolley stops and curb and ramp improvements were included for each section of roadway to ensure that the campus streets are complete and serve bicyclists and pedestrians and well as vehicles.