(770) 483-1173

Grant Park Gateway

Posted By on Aug 31, 2023 |

Grant Park Gateway
Atlanta, Georgia

Breedlove Land Planning provided extensive site design services for the City of Atlanta’s Grant Park Gateway project. The project replaced deteriorating surface parking lots in Grant Park with usable park space, in the form of an expansive green roof on top of a state-of-the-art, three level, 1,000 space parking garage. The parking garage structure is discreetly tucked into a hillside so that there is a flush transition between the adjacent Boulevard right-of-way and the green roof. The design also includes a restaurant building, renovations to an existing pond, and improvements to adjacent park areas so that the project is stitched seamlessly into Grant Park’s fabric.

Breedlove Land Planning helped to successfully navigate a rather polarizing project by assisting with coordination efforts to obtain neighborhood approval as part of the permitting process. By means of public hearings and meetings with community leaders, Breedlove Land Planning presented the project, engaged the neighborhood, and respectfully addressed community concerns.

The project pursued LEED Silver Certification for the sustainable green roof and restaurant building, SITES Gold Certification for sustainable land development, and Parksmart Silver Certification for environmentally friendly parking design. This is the first project in the world that holds all three certifications.