(770) 483-1173

Clarence Brown Conference Center

Posted By on Sep 7, 2016 |

Clarence Brown Conference Center
Bartow County, Georgia

The Clarence Brown Conference Center in Bartow County, Georgia presented numerous design challenges. Protection of the existing creek, floodplain and state water buffers was essential while strategically positioning the program elements of the civic center within the limits of the property. In addition to an extensive site program including 400+ parking spaces and a 300 person capacity outdoor amphitheater, a series of new wet ponds were created to treat water quality and quantity while enhancing the aesthetics of the site. These ponds were planted with native and adapted plant species to remediate runoff pollutants while providing habitat for a variety of aquatic and amphibian life. The result is a striking aquatic centerpiece to this regional facility that is LEED Gold pending.