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Georgia Tech Roe Stamps Field

Posted By on Sep 7, 2016 |

Georgia Tech Roe Stamps Field
Atlanta, Georgia

In the heart of the Georgia Tech Campus lies one of the most utilized athletic fields in the Southeastern United States- Roe Stamps Field. Breedlove Land Planning provided master planning, landscape architecture and civil engineering for this brand-new facility. The project consisted of renovating a tired existing facility and the program included replacement of the synthetic turf surface, the addition of a running track, realignment of pedestrian circulation routes, a new storage facility, field lighting, hydration stations and fencing. While the field itself is impressive, beneath it lies the largest stormwater management facility on campus. The system is infiltration-based and designed to percolate forty-four acres of upstream urban area to help the campus meet its ecological performance targets. Roe Stamps Field is a true example of a performance-based design- above and below field level and was awarded ‘Small Project of the Year’ by the Georgia Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers.