(770) 483-1173

GT Peters Park

Posted By on Sep 6, 2016 |

Lovett School

Atlanta, Georgia

The new Charlie Brooks Field at the Lovett School is a testament to the success that thoughtful planning and seamless collaboration can bring to a project.  This softball and baseball facility is much more than a sports field.  A new field house and maintenance barn was integrated into the design.  Plazas, walkways, batting cages, sports field lighting, bleachers and dugouts are all nestled into the slightly modified existing topography. The infield mixes for the baseball and softball fields were specifically chosen to reduce long term maintenance while providing exceptional drainage to a series of perforated pipes beneath the surface. Our custom sports field construction specification dictated strict allowances for laser grading and installation of soil and sod. The result is a private school field complex that could compete with most Universities.